Month: February 2007

Search Custom search engines

Google doesn’t offer a way to unearth custom search engines  built by other users, but by using a regular Google search you can find those homepages effortlessly. You just have to add [ inurl:coop/cse] to your search query. For example, you can use [ inurl:coop/cse css] to find custom search engines for CSS.

This might be useful if you have to do some research on a narrow topic and the regular Google search doesn’t return good results. By restricting your search to a list of sites about CSS or web programming, you’ll definitely find great results even for ambiguous queries like “position” or “display” .

Google Operating system has created a custom search for finding custom search engines

Business behind virus writing

Almost everyone of us know that now a days writing malware for the PC is not the hobby of pimple faced teenagers sitting behind the computer without a social life, but it is the image that Hollywood movies has thrust upon us.

But the fact is different the business behind writing viruses and other malware for the popular platforms like Windows is like hitting jackpot.If you have a good business plan and talent you can make a good sum from your hobby.I today found a similar story of a Chineese man who made more than  $130,000 selling his viruses.The Panda worm, which has spread widely throughout China, steals online game usernames and passwords.But it’s author, Li Jun confessed yesterday to writing the worm “for fun”.

Nvidia to launch 6100 for cellphones

NVIDIA is making its foray into the mobile world and recently unveiled the NVIDIA GoForce 6100. The NVIDIA GoForce 6100 is the first application processor designed exclusively for mobile handsets and mobile device. According  to the folks at NVIDIA the GoForce 6100 is a “highly integrated and optimized multimedia solution” and consumes “less than half the power of any applications processor available on the market today.”

Cell processor price cut soon…

Sony’s PS3 is generally considered as an expensive console.Comparing it with it’s competition it is very true.Sony’s response to this was that the blu-ray and cell processor are costing very high amounts, but considering the power it is worth it.

All Sony fans enjoy because, the powerful Cell processor that is used in Sony’s PlayStation 3 console could experience a price cut in the future, as Sony aims to improve the chip’s profitability by moving on to the 45 nanometer process in favor of current 90- and 65-nanometer circuitry. Commercial production of this 45-nanometer Cell is slated for an early 2009 release, but will it be too late by that time for a price cut to boost Sony’s flagging console? After all, a smaller chip will result in the need for less cooling, which will ultimately slim down the console on the whole, very much like how the slim profile PS2 was released a couple of years ago.

At the same time betanews is reporting that :

One of Sony’s™ senior executives, Executive Deputy President Yutaka Nakagawa, is quoted by several US and Asian press sources as saying that, in the interest of finding cost savings, his company is considering exiting the production end of the Cell processor business. Cell processors are produced by an alliance between Sony, IBM, and Toshiba

Researchers working on Cell processor supercomputer

For years, Sony and IBM have talked up the power of the Cell processor that’s at the core of of every PS3. Now, some University of Illinois researchers are working on finally unlocking that power for the next generation of highly parallel supercomputers.

The Illinois News-Gazette has a report on the efforts of user interface experts Marc Snir, Laxmikant Kale and David Kunzman, who say that a computer with a cluster of Cell chips could offer 50 times the performance of a similar sized PC. Squeezing out that performance is no small task, though — Kale admits “it’s going to be a challenge to program it.”