Month: August 2006

Update your Nokia phone firmware yourself

If you have a Nokia cell phone you can update your phone yourself without the help of a service technician,You can accomplish this by using a free tool called Phone Software Update

Choose your model online and download the free package that requires your phone is physically plugged in (first time I’ve ever used the cable, thank you Bluetooth) and charging to run. It’s not real clear what’s in the latest firmware, but keeping your gadgets up to date is always a good idea, right? Right? Warning: your phone looks like it’s dying during the 15 minute or so process, but trust the progress bar and press on. It’ll be ok. Oh, and be sure to back up ALL your phone data before proceeding. The Phone Software Update is a free download, Windows only, Nokia phone required

Details about Phone Software Update Tool

China locking Feedburner feeds

FeedBurner, which powers hundreds of thousands of blog, podcast and mainstream news feeds (including this one), is apparently being blocked by Chinese authorities. Here is a Yoda-esque loose English language translation of William Long’s original post. William even used a proxy server to verify that the issue is with the Chinese, not FeedBurner. His subscriber count dropped from over a thousand readers to zero overnight.

I have nothing but respect for Dick Costolo and the FeedBurner crew. They have been extremely helpful in troubleshooting various issues on my blog and others. I am sure they are doing everything in their power to remedy as best they can. This issue goes way beyond FeedbBurner…. Source: Micro Persuasion

I don’t why is this?

MSN Alerts now "Live"

The MSN Alerts service has now been migrated over to Windows Live, and is available from

“Get headlines from your home town, scores and updates for your teams, stock quotes, traffic for your commute-just about anything that is happening right now. You pick it, so it’s the stuff you want to know about, and nothing else.”   

Windows Live Alerts provides notifications either via Messenger toasts, email, or direct to your mobile device. While Windows Live Alerts as a service is free to use, some of the content may not be.

You can sign up at this link for Liveside alerts.

How to create your own false identity

A tool called False identity generator will help you to generates a random first and last name, a valid city, state, and zip code with matching telephone number, and a few other identity details often required for online registrations.

If you have filled out an online registration with fake info , there are some websites that require you to give them “somewhat” valid information. The False Identity Generator is a simple yet useful service.

Opera Visits Microsoft in preparation with Windows Vista

A group from Opera Software visited Microsoft this week to prepare future versions of the Opera browser for Windows Vista.

The Windows version of Opera makes use of some of the underlying components of the Windows platform. Windows Vista, Microsoft’s new OS, includes many changes to Windows, which may require some changes on Opera’s part.

Opera’s Chief Web Opener, David Storey, was among those who visited Microsoft this week, which leads me to think that Microsoft’s websites was also on the agenda. Many of Microsoft’s new “Live” websites (including the new Hotmail) don’t work in the Opera browser.

How to keep your search history private

I was reading a post at searchenginejournal it is about the latest incidents that most of us are familiar with the AOL search data leak,Orkut VS Brazil Govt etc.As the search data can reveal a lot about you and your charachter a lot it is essential to keep your search history protected,but I dont think big search engines like Google will give out your search data but I doubt about Yahoo! as they have given user information to Chineese Govt.

    • Don’t put personally-identifying information in your searches, at least not in a way that can be associated with your other searches. You should take the precautions below to avoid giving away your identity to your search engine anyway, but they’re especially necessary if you want to do a search to see if your personal information has appeared online or want to do a vanity search for your name.
    •  Don’t use a search engine operated by your ISP. Most ISPs inherently know who their users are, at any given time and over the long run. If you use their default search tool, they know who you are and everything you search for. Use someone else’s search tool instead.
    •  Don’t log in to a search engine account. If you use a web-based e-mail service or other services provided by your search engine — such as GMail or Yahoo! Mail — see below on cookies.
    •  Don’t accept cookies from your search engine. If you use a service like web-based e-mail that requires you to accept cookies, don’t let the personally-identifying information in your e-mail get linked with your searches. For Firefox users, the free CustomizeGoogle extension will allow you to anonymize your search cookie without breaking GMail (see the “Privacy” tab in the CustomizeGoogle options). We’re still looking for extensions that provide corresponding functionality for Yahoo!, MSN, and AOL users. You can also use Privoxy, although it’s a bit more difficult to configure.
    •  Use a separate browser or browser profile for search and for other activities.
    •  Use an anonymizing proxy, or proxy network like Tor, to prevent search engines from learning your IP address, especially if your ISP gives you the same IP address each time you use the Internet.